Don't Put the Cart before the Horse when hiring Business Coaches!

Jul 09, 2024By Juliana N. Kennedy, CPA, LLC


Building Your Business Before the Coach: Free Resources and Planning
Starting a business is exciting, but laying the groundwork before investing in a coach (often in the five-figure range) is crucial. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started, with free resources to leverage:

1. Define Your Business Idea and Niche:

What problem do you solve? Brainstorm and refine your concept.
Who is your ideal client? Research and understand their needs and challenges.
Free Resources: Online forums and communities in your niche
"" by Startup School ( offers a free course to validate your idea.
2. Craft a Business Plan:

Outline your goals, strategies, and financial projections for 1-3 years.
Free Resources:"" offers a free Business Model Canvas template.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) website provides free templates and guides:
3. Know Your Numbers:

Estimate startup costs, ongoing expenses, and potential revenue.
This helps determine if your business is financially viable and how much you can afford to invest in a coach.
Free Resources: Online spreadsheet templates (Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel) can help create a basic financial plan.
Many banks offer free budgeting and financial planning workshops.
4. Legal and Business Structure:

Research business licenses and permits required in your location.
Decide on a business structure (sole proprietorship, LLC, etc.).
Free Resources: The SBA website provides an overview of business structures:
Many local governments offer free or low-cost consultations on business registration.
5. Develop a Simple Marketing Strategy:

Who are you trying to reach? How will you connect with them?
Free Resources: Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer free business tools and guides.
"" offers a wealth of free marketing courses and resources.
By completing these steps, you'll clearly understand your business, its financial needs, and your capabilities. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about hiring a coach and how much to invest. Remember, a good coach can be invaluable later, but a solid foundation is crucial for success.
 If you are unsure how to get started, google how to build a budget and follow that to create a budget to ensure you can afford that coach. Instead, spend the money on building the money before you pay another person with money you do not have only to regret it later.